คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION) |
occasion, time, opportunity, chance | (kraw) |
canal, watercourse, waterway | (klong) |
to escape, to elude | (klard-klaow) |
to cover, to envelop | (kloom) |
opinion, view, sentiment | (kwarm-kid-hen) |
essay, article, composition | (kwarm-rieng) |
column | (kor-lum) |
to roast coffee | (kua-ka-fae) |
to stay overnight, to spend the night | (kang-kwun) |
meaning, explanation, exposition | (kum-plae) |
to equal, to become | (keu) |
serious, solemn, grave, stern | (kreng-kriad) |
to refrain from, to abstain from | (ngod-wen) |
rocket, missile | (ja-ruad) |
draw lots, cast lots | (jarb-cha-lak) |
diminutive, smallest, tiny, very small | (jiw) |
authority, official in charge | (jao-nar-tee) |
to defraud, to cheat, to swindle, to embezzle | (chor-kong) |
fuse, slate, primer, cause | (cha-nuan) |
shutter | (shut-ter) |