คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | ความหมาย (TRANSLATION) |
คมนาคม (n.) | communication, commerce ((kom-ma-na-kom), (ka-ma-na-kom)) |
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION) |
take care of oneself, conduct oneself | (krong-tua) |
formerly, last time | (krang-gone) |
family | (krua-ruan) |
Christendom | (krit-ta-jak) |
half unit | (krueng-thon) |
mansion | (ka-rue-hard) |
to be extremely enthusiastic | (klang-klai) |
wind and wave | (kleun-lom) |
smoke, fume, vapour | (kwan) |
frequency | (kwarm-tee) |
stable, cowfarm, coop, animal feces, prison | (kog) |
interest, accrual | (kha-dok-bia) |
madam, madame, lady, mistress | (khun-pu-ying) |
lineage, family, line descendants | (krua-yard) |
side by side, near by, abreast | (kiang-kang) |
money, currency, cash, coin | (ngen-tra) |
draw lots, cast lots | (jarb-cha-lak) |
fuse, slate, primer, cause | (cha-nuan) |
clear, distinct, legible, plain, visible, correct, obvious | (chard) |
to snatch, to wrest away from, to forestall | (ching) |
just before daybreak, the very early morning | (chao-meud) |