คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | ความหมาย (TRANSLATION) |
คำย่อ (n.) | abbreviation, abridgement, short form ((kum-yor)) |
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION) |
vivacious, lively, gayly, animatedly | (keuk-kak) |
misfortune, unfortunate, adversity, bad luck, misadventure, mischance | (kroh-rai) |
aerobus, airliner | (krueng-bin-doy-sarn) |
plan, scheme, project, program | (krong-karn) |
inflation | (ngen-fer) |
rhythm, time, swing cadence, beat, timing interval, spacin | (jang-wa) |
flying saucer, UFO (Unidentifying Flying Object) | (jarn-bin) |
to tickle, to poke with a finger, to hold up a person, to rob | (jee) |
rural area, contry | (chon-na-bot) |
shopping | (shop-ping) |
beautician, make-up artist | (chang-serm-suay) |
damp, moist, humid, moderately wet, clammy | (cheun) |
to throw, to hurl, to cast, to dash, to scatter, to involve, to implicate, to wander, to batter, to hit | (sud) |
siren | (si-ren) |
as follow, hereinafter | (dang-tor-pai-nee) |
to spring back | (deed-klub) |