คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | ความหมาย (TRANSLATION) |
เคร่งครัด (adj.) | strict, serious, stiff, rigorous, stringent, austere ((kreng-krad)) |
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION) |
luck, chance, fate, fortune, omen | (kroh) |
machine, mechanical device | (krueng-kon) |
beverage, drink, refreshment, potation, potable, refresher | (krueng-deum) |
battleplane | (krueng-bin-rob) |
secret, secret technique | (kled-larb) |
pretty, beautiful, attractive, handsome, graceful, beauteous, splendid | (ngod-ngam) |
gymkhana | (ngan-kee-la) |
loan, money lent | (ngen-gu) |
lunar way of counting days | (jarn-tha-ra-ka-thi) |
to pay by cheque | (jai-check) |
grow up, develop, grow, increase | (ja-roen-terb-to) |
as relatives | (chan-yard) |
title-deed, title deed for a piece of land | (cha-nod) |
to verify, to prove, to test, ta assay, to attest | (chan-na-sud) |
to snatch, to wrest away from, to forestall | (ching) |
honest, faithful, upright | (sue-trong) |
handle, hilt, stock, helve | (darm) |
watch a movie | (du-nang) |
diary | (di-a-ri) |
currency market | (ta-lard-ngen-tra) |