ภาษาอาหรับ ภาษาเขมร ภาษาจีน ภาษาอังกฤษ ภาษาอินโดนีเซีย ภาษาลาว ภาษามลายู(ยาวี) ภาษามาเลเซีย ภาษาตากาล็อก ภาษาเวียดนาม ภาษาจีนเป็นไทย




คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) ความหมาย (TRANSLATION)
ฆ่าฟัน  (v.) to kill, to slay, to destroy  ((ka-fun))
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION)
announcer, spokesman, advertiser, proclaimer, publisher, crier (ko-sok)
to refrain from, to abstain from (ngod-wen)
elephant's trunk (ngaung-chang)
to force up, to raise with a lever, to pry open (ngard)
festival, party, fair (ngan-roen-reng)
shadow, dark shadow, shade (ngao-meud)
installment, partial repayment, payment (ngen-pon)
be silly, be foolish, be stupid, be dull, be ignorant, be uneducated (ngo-klao)
vagrant, unsettled (jorn-jard)
to park a car (jod-rod)
lunar eclipse, eclipse of the moon (jarn-tha-ru-pa-ra-ka)
to spend, to pay, to disburse, to buy, to purchase, to divide, to scatter (jai)
psychological (jid-tha-sarth)
seven (jed)
to bore a hole, to puncture, to drill (joh)
hot-tempered, short-tempered, quick-tempered, impetous, rash (jai-ron)
widespread, rumoured, tumultuous, notorious, widely known (chaow)
to butt, to collide with, to bump against, to hit, to pit, to knock against (chon)
spoon (chorn)
for a while, for a moment, for a time, for a little while, temporarily (chua-kru)
swing (ching-cha)
crossed cheque (check-keed-krom)
showroom (show-room)
pale, sallow, wan (seed-xiao)
base, foot, pedestal, position, ground, station, platform, basis (tarn)
to have one's hair waved, to curl the hair (dard-phom)
to stretch out, to pull, to draw, to pluck (dung)
solitary, alone, isolated (dood-diao)
national emblem (tra-pra-jarm-chard)
to pay back, to retaliate, to make return for a kindness (torb-tane)