คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION) |
amount, quantity, sum | (jarm-nuan) |
melting point | (jud-lorm-laew) |
to be sick, to be ill | (jeb-puai) |
local ruling prince | (jao-fah) |
clear, bright, distinct, pretty, cheerful | (jam) |
calm, cool, cool-headed, patient, unemotional, composed, unruffled | (jai-yen) |
therefore, so, for that reason, thus, hence | (cha-nan) |
limited, tempory, professional | (cha-poh) |
railway station platfrom | (chan-cha-la) |
to rent, to hire | (chao) |
yes, indeed, quite correct | (chai) |
sodium (Na) | (so-dium) |
lotus, water lily | (dok-bua) |
comet | (dao-hang) |
boy | (dek-chay) |
such as, for example, for instance | (dai-kae) |
through, all over, all through to the end | (ta-lord) |
to fly around, to swarm, to beset, to plaque | (torm) |
binder, joining agent, connecting agent | (tua-cheuam) |
directly, as a matter of fact | (tarm-trong) |
doll, shaft | (tuk-ka-ta) |