ภาษาอาหรับ ภาษาเขมร ภาษาจีน ภาษาอังกฤษ ภาษาอินโดนีเซีย ภาษาลาว ภาษามลายู(ยาวี) ภาษามาเลเซีย ภาษาตากาล็อก ภาษาเวียดนาม ภาษาจีนเป็นไทย




คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) ความหมาย (TRANSLATION)
ชมเชย  (v.) praise, laud, compliment, eulogize, extol, admire, applaud  ((chom-chei))
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION)
old age, senility, decrepitude (cha-ra)
to persuade, to urge, to invite, to prevail upon, to influence (chuan)
save one's life, rescue, succour, succor (chuai-she-wid)
straits, channel (chong-kabb)
tablespoon (chorn-toh)
to persuade, to urge, to induce (chak-chuan)
secondary school level, secondary education level, high school level (chan-mard-tha-yom)
builder (chang-kor-sang)
tribesman, hill tribe, mountaineer (chaow-khao)
to taste, to sample by tasting, to sample (chim)
suit, group, team, set (chud)
to take a sublease (chao-chuang)
to soak, to steep, to immerse, to imbrue (chae)
to sit behind the bicycle rider (sorn-tai)
which, that, whose, whom (sung)
saxophone (sak-so-fone)
dearest, sweetheart, beloved one, darling, heart (duang-jai)
to exterminate, to extinguish, to quench, to suppress, to abolish (dup)
pencil, charcoal, clutch-type pencil (din-sor)
decisive, decided, determined, resolute, indisputable (ded-kard)
to get, to obtain, to acquire, to attain, to receive, to possess, to gain (dai)
to enact (a law) (tra-kod-mhai)
to be under prosecution, to be accused, to be used, to be prosecuted (tong-ka-dee)
to set up, to put up, to establish, to institute (tang)
net, network (ta-kai)
textbook (tam-rub-tam-ra)
full, filled up, complete, whole (tem)
to smear, to daub, to point (tam)
winner's cup, prize cup (tuai-rang-wan)
to embrance, to coddle, to sit on eggs, to brood, to incubate, to throw an arm over (gok)