คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION) |
vagina, birth canal | (chong-klord) |
induce, persuade, lead, influence, entice | (chak-jung) |
sluggish, inactive | (cha) |
nation, country, birth, family, nationality | (chard) |
skilled, expert in, dexterous, deft, adroit | (cham-narn) |
pale, pallid, faded, sallow, wan, dim | (seed) |
serum | (se-rum) |
therefore, in consequence, there by, thereupon, thence, hence, thus, as | (dang-nan) |
to run a business | (dum-nern-kij-ja-karn) |
to jump, to leap, to spring | (dood) |
in the middle | (trong-klang) |
from now on | (toh-jak-narn) |
chopsticks | (ta-kiab) |
hostage | (tua-pra-kan) |
to follow, to pursue, to send for, to accompany, to come for | (tarm) |
brick building, building | (tuk) |
cot, camp bed | (tiang-sa-narm) |
to move back, to withdraw | (tod-toi) |
to embrance, to coddle, to sit on eggs, to brood, to incubate, to throw an arm over | (gok) |
to spread the news | (gra-jai-kao) |