ภาษาอาหรับ ภาษาเขมร ภาษาจีน ภาษาอังกฤษ ภาษาอินโดนีเซีย ภาษาลาว ภาษามลายู(ยาวี) ภาษามาเลเซีย ภาษาตากาล็อก ภาษาเวียดนาม ภาษาจีนเป็นไทย




คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) ความหมาย (TRANSLATION)
เชย  (v.) to touch gently, to fondle, to admire, to compress  ((chei))
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION)
to buy on installment basis, to hire purchase (chao-sue)
to invite, to please, to bid welcome (chen)
trust, have faith in, rely on, confide in, respect, admire, look up to (cheua-teu)
tame, docile, teachable, gentle, domesticate (chuang)
fate, fortune (chok-cha-ta)
grossly, ignorant, broodings, dull (som-sarn)
dress rehearsal (sorm-yai)
appreciate, be grateful, be thankful for (sarb-sung)
be honest, be faithful, loyal, devote, upright (sue-sath)
celsius (cel-sius)
procuress, headman (tao-kae)
your sincerely (duai-kwam-narb-tue)
to curse, to swearat, to scold, to revile (da)
proceed, to carry on the work, to execute (dum-nern-karn)
ferocious, fierce, violent, wild, untamed (du-rai)
be lonesome, be lonely, be solitary (diao-dai)
fall, to drop, to set, to be insufficient, to be deficient, to miss (tok)
to make a inspection, trip to roam, to show around for condemnation (tra-ven)
bargain (toh-rong-ra-ka)
to shout, to call loudly, to yell (ta-gone)
binder, joining agent, connecting agent (tua-cheuam)
to be different from, to differ from (tang-karb)
to install (tid-tang)
to prepare, to make ready, to get ready (triam)
to paint, to smear (tam-see)
cup, tumbler, small bowl (tuai)
to embrance, to coddle, to sit on eggs, to brood, to incubate, to throw an arm over (gok)
ostrich (gra-jork-ted)
Ministry of Commerce (gra-suang-pa-nid)
to prostrate oneself, to pay obeisance to (grab)