ภาษาอาหรับ ภาษาเขมร ภาษาจีน ภาษาอังกฤษ ภาษาอินโดนีเซีย ภาษาลาว ภาษามลายู(ยาวี) ภาษามาเลเซีย ภาษาตากาล็อก ภาษาเวียดนาม ภาษาจีนเป็นไทย




คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) ความหมาย (TRANSLATION)
ซักซ้อม  (v.) to test, to rehearse, to interrogate several times  ((sak-sorm))
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION)
to throw, to hurl, to cast, to dash, to scatter, to involve, to implicate, to wander, to batter, to hit (sud)
ruins, debris, wreckage, remains (sak-pa-rak-hak-pang)
rib (xi-krong)
to permeate, to percolate, to absorb, to seep (sium)
to whisper (soob-sip)
serum (se-rum)
motion, resolution, proposition, announcement (yath-thi)
music, musical instruments (don-tee)
therefore, for this reason (duai-hed-nee)
to bend, to alter, to constrain, to modify (dard)
movie star (da-ra-parb-pha-yon)
raw, unripe, uncooked, crude, untreated (dib)
to absorb (dood-gleun)
be in trouble, be distressed, be vexed, be worried, be tormented (duad-ron)
to be unemployed (tok-ngan)
check, verify, investigate, examine (tuad-sorb)
to counter, to resist,to withstand (toh-tarn)
to box, to hit with the fist, the punch (toi)
to have a haircut, to cut the hair (tard-phom)
balance, scales, steel yard (ta-chang)
to believe implicitly, to have absolute confidence (tai-jai)
to be excited by seeing some thing spectacular (tuen-ta)
bed, bedstead (tiang-norn)
to climb, to crawl, to creep, to examine, to question (tai)
to embrance, to coddle, to sit on eggs, to brood, to incubate, to throw an arm over (gok)
glass, mirror, looking-glass (gra-jok)
strike against, to collide with, to hit, to effect (gra-tob)
stomach (gra-poh-ar-harn)
to hold one's breath (glarn-hai-jai)
chase, follow, run after, pursue (guad-tarm)