ภาษาอาหรับ ภาษาเขมร ภาษาจีน ภาษาอังกฤษ ภาษาอินโดนีเซีย ภาษาลาว ภาษามลายู(ยาวี) ภาษามาเลเซีย ภาษาตากาล็อก ภาษาเวียดนาม ภาษาจีนเป็นไทย




คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) ความหมาย (TRANSLATION)
ดื่ม  (v.) to drink  ((duem))
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION)
to scold, to reproach, to blame (du-da)
to look, to watch, to stare, to see, to consider, to judge, to seem, to estimate, to feel (du)
child, infant, baby, son, daughter (dek)
determined, resolute, decided, fearless, absolute (ded-diao)
origin, beginning, start, foremost, commencement (derm)
red, to come to light, to be revealed, to be exposed (dang)
take, ride, get on, go / travel by (doi-sarn)
omit, miss out, leave out (tok-lohn)
logic, science of reasoning (tak-ka-sarth)
through, all over, all through to the end (ta-lord)
add, increase, enlarge, grow, multiply, attach, subjoin, annex (toh-term)
afterwards, later, later on (torn-lang)
to be fightened, to be amazed, to be stupefied (ta-leung)
liver (tarb)
drama ticket (tua-la-korn)
legally, according to the law (tarm-kod-mhai)
to connect, to adjoin, to associate with, to be contagious (tid-tor)
bookcase (tu-nang-sue)
but, only, sole, single, nothing but, from, since, beginning with, nevetheless, however (tae)
office desk (toh-tam-ngan)
to give, to present, to offer, to dedicate (ta-whai)
to embrance, to coddle, to sit on eggs, to brood, to incubate, to throw an arm over (gok)
to drill a tooth (gro-fun)
stairway, ladder, stairs, steps (gra-dai)
floor-tile (gra-buang-poo-peun)
banana (gluay)
in public (glang-muang)
set up, establish (gor-tang)
to suspect, to doubt (gang-ka)
physical therapy (guy-ya-parb-barm-bard)