คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | ความหมาย (TRANSLATION) |
กลางถนน (adj.) | in the street ((glang-ta-non)) |
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION) |
muscle | (glarm) |
to roll | (gling) |
group, crowd, collection, aggregation | (glum) |
to beckon to, to summon (a person) by gesture of the hand | (gwuk) |
poet, composer, sage | (ga-wee) |
faucet, tap | (gok-nam) |
to hug each other | (god-gan) |
Cannabis sativa, ganja | (gun-cha) |
hidden bomb | (gub-ra-berd) |
Chinese olives | (ga-na) |
glue, gum | (gaow) |
be about to, be on the point of | (gum-lang-ja) |
kilometre | (gi-lo-med) |
to harvest, to glean | (geb-gieow) |
agriculturist | (ga-sed-ta-gorn) |
too much, improperly | (gern-kuan) |
therapeutic, curative, healing, corrective, remedial | (gae-rok) |
far, distant, off away, remote | (glai) |
to steal, to pilfer | (ka-moi) |
beg off, beg to be excused | (kor-tua) |
steal, stolen goods | (kong-jone) |
bowl or basin used for dipping water | (kan) |
call out names during a roll call, make a roll call, announce | (kaan-chue) |
to ride, to mount, to straddle, to astride | (khee) |
to turn the key, to unlock | (kai-gun-jae) |
complete, entire | (krob-tuan) |