คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | ความหมาย (TRANSLATION) |
ขั้นสูง (n.) | high grade ((kan-sung)) |
คำศัพท์ (VOCABULARY) | การออกเสียง (PRONONCIATION) |
to drive, to operate a vehicle | (kub-kleuan) |
expel, drive out, kick out, cast out, eject | (kub-lai) |
electrode | (kua-fai-fah) |
I, me, myself | (kap-pa-jao) |
stop breathing, die, pass away | (kaad-jai) |
cross a river | (kaam-nam) |
retail, sell by retail | (kai-pleek) |
information, news | (kaow-sarn) |
to evacuate, to shit, n;excrements, feces, stool, dregs | (kee) |
to turn the key, to unlock | (kai-gun-jae) |
moral precept, motto, principle, method, belief | (ka-thi) |
take care of oneself, conduct oneself | (krong-tua) |
storehouse | (klang-pat-sa-du) |
guilt, culpability | (kwarm-pid) |
vote | (ka-naen-siang) |
service charge, service fees | (kha-bor-ri-karn) |
answer, reply, response, retort, key | (kum-torb) |
smoulder, be wild with anger, be pent-up | (cook-krun) |
washing machine | (krueng-sak-pha) |
plan, scheme, project, program | (krong-karn) |
easy, simple, convenient, | (ngai) |
pirate, buccaneer | (jone-sa-lard) |